There’s a Tarot rumour going around…

So… A good Tarot reader always carries a deck…

I hear this all the time…

I sat down with a bunch of Mystereum misfits and asked this trio what they thought…

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The Empress said to me…

Hey Karen, you’re the mother of 4… don’t you already carry enough junk around? Do you really want to keep your favourite deck in your handbag and risk it getting ruined? Come on, think about it… all sorts of random rubbish ends up in your bag… Don’t you remember that time when you were in the garden centre and you delved in to get your purse to pay and came out with a big hand full of pebbles?

Woman! you have a bag like a tardis and a mind that is even bigger… Keep your cards in your head and whip them out when needed… It’s far lighter to carry and if needs be, you can always have a look around and call upon Mother Nature for a few wise words.
A Head’s up from The Hanged Man…

Hey Baby! Chill! Take a moment… think about who you are hanging out with… What’s the first thing you get asked when you sit in a crowd and people ask what you do?

Oh… have you got your cards with you? Can you read for me?

Yeah? and do they want to pay you? Not usually…

But… it’s not just tarot readers who get tapped up for freebies… I’ve seen it happen to a chiropodist πŸ˜€ that was shameless! The man said – hey check this out for me and whipped off his shoes and socks and planted his stinky foot onto the middle of the pub table…

C’mmon! Does your dentist work for free?

I suggest if you’re hanging with people who want to string you along, maybe you keep your space calm and clear and when they ask you what you do, maybe lie a little and tell them you’re a proctologist… and see if they still want to ask you probing questions… πŸ˜‰
Wise Words from The World…

Yeah.. those two make some very good points… And, there’s no denying that the whole world loves a freebie. But… It’s a big world out there and you can shape it as you please.

I’d say yes… a good reader does always carry a deck…

A better reader carries business cards and an appointment book πŸ˜‰

Speaking of which…

If you want a reading… Don’t try to catch me on the hoof…

Let’s go about it properly and book some time…

16 thoughts on “There’s a Tarot rumour going around…

  1. What an excellent idea — keeping an appointment book and business cards on hand. So many people get me on the subject of astrology and start asking me compatibility questions, etc. and next thing I know, I’m giving it away πŸ™‚


    1. Lol it is way too easy to give it away! you’re talking about your favourite subject πŸ˜€ There’s nothing wrong with a little free taster… but if you’re going in depth then really it should be a proper appointment πŸ˜‰


    1. Thanks Andrea πŸ™‚ though… I did have one time where my deck fell out of my bag and it resulted into a little improptu tarot party that I got paid for… πŸ˜‰


  2. Love your writing style and I’d say there’s nothing wrong with carrying a deck around although I can imagine it is good to have a break away from readings sometimes.


    1. Thanks! πŸ˜€ I carry very little around with me these days, the less the better… It is good to have a break from reading for other people… though as for a break from reading… I read all day everyday, with or without a deck… If I have a question in mind then there’s always something in the surroundings to leap off for answers… πŸ˜‰


  3. Excellent point made. I shall have to go make up my business cards specifically for Tarot, now you mention it (duh!). I have plans to comb the local area for Tarot opportunities after my house move, but it’s silly to begin now where I won’t be in a couple of months.

    Excellent advice, though. Off to make biz cards…


    1. Biz cards are handy but don’t over rely on them as most will end up in the bin. Moving to a new area is great – I’d say take up some non-tarot activities that interest you and meet people face to face… I’d say over half of what I do now stems from taking a 6 week bellydance class… πŸ˜‰


      1. Interesting synchronicity with the belly-dancing class; perhaps I need to take my yoga to class level, then. That would work.

        Oh, and check this out. I actually did make up business cards for my Tarot biz last night (printed one sheet off my printer on good card stock, so not committing to hundreds of them). And sure enough, this morning, I received an inquiry from one of my TABI free reading querents about doing a paid reading. So, there you are. The energy thing really does work, at least for a nibble. We’ll see if the potential client follows through after the price quote, but still, nibbles are good!


  4. Yes, yoga class would definitely work. I used to go to a class and that lead to some interesting avenues for me…
    Congrats on getting your cards alive! And great news on your inquiry… The follow through after the quote can be an interesting one… I have a few people who’ve held on to my card for up to 2 years before they’ve finally taken the plunge… Hopefully you’ll hear back soon πŸ™‚


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