By the Power of Three…


Welcome to the latest Tarot blog hop wrangle by Aisling the Bard

We are calling this Hop “Brighid’s Blue Moon”. This festival is a “trifecta”, a combination of three significant events on a single date. February 1st is “Imbolc”, meaning “In the Belly”, the festival dedicated to Brighid of the Three Fires, who brings life back to Land, Sea, and Sky after winter’s doldrums have passed. But on Imbolc Eve, the day before the festival, we will see a Full Moon, which is also a Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in a calendar month. Therefore, we are celebrating a “Solilune”, a combination of a Solar and Lunar Festival, and it’s dedicated to a Deity who Herself is represented in Her Celtic realm by three Elemental locations, Land, Sea, and Sky, and three characteristics of the Inner Flame, Poesy, Smithcraft, and Healing, as well as shedding her beneficent influence on three areas of human life, Body, Mind, and Spirit . This day also represents a Secret Gift of Spirit, the Blue Moon, representing those things that are rare and precious–after all, they only happen “Once in a Blue Moon”. 
Somewhere around four years ago, a conversation with a colleague turned into the start of a new project, many lengthy conversations sat in fields and notebooks daubed with scribbles and free association ramblings that birthed into images for a potential oracle deck… The project has sat in stasis for the last 18months or so as life for each of us took its twists and turns… a project almost forgotten until a few weeks ago when it started to tug at my sleeve like an attention seeking toddler… so if you’ll indulge me, (and excuse the low res images) then I will use my as yet unnamed work in progress deck to travel through Aisling’s spread, as it is demanding to come back and draw breath in 2018…
The Foundation for the Year to Come…
Moving from left to right…
The first image is one of the few that got named and is called Blindsight. The image reminded me of retinal scans and the patterns that you see when you scrunch your eyes up tight but also the way that sometimes even with your eyes closed, you can get a feelsense of what surrounds you. I showed this picture to someone recently and they spontaneously told me a story of when they had been driving in the middle of nowhere in the full darkness of night and their headlights failed… One of the passengers was blind and she guided them all back home, never missing a turn… So I guess the body is a miraculous thing and it will take you where you need to go, even if you cannot see the path ahead…
The second image brings to mind the Ace of Swords… here it feels to suggest cold sharp cutting and editing… I think that the benefit of having a project go into stasis (even though it feels woeful at the time) is that it gives an air of detachment so you can cull out the ideas that when fresh felt so precious but with new eyes later down the line well hmmm… that’s gotta die!!! Conversely, some things that felt a bit naff when fresh seem to find a new gravitas…
The third image… well that has very many W.I.P. names, all of which are inappropriate puns around cocks and roosters… but the overall gist of this image is to greet each new dawn with gusto!
The Construction…
What is the energy of the new path that presents itself?
Oh super! A choppy voyage ahead! But what is life without a challenge? Again, I feel that this is about heading somewhere even if you don’t know what you’re heading into… what’s the quote? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best?
From what will I need protection on this journey?
This card has a working title of ‘Grit… Oyster… Pearl’… oftentimes it’s beneficial to have negative motivators… those things that get under your skin and annoy you into action… Over the last year, I had a lousy time with a ‘piece of grit’ and it lead to a costly mistake… I tolerated a situation that I knew was crap thinking I could learn something from it… I guess I learned that sometimes you have to just walk away… So looking at the previous image… yup a choppy time ahead so I will have enough on my plate without having to deal with other people’s grit tossing… The Ace of Swordish above may help me to nip these things in the bud…
What energies of my own or of spirit will guide and protect me?
When I drew this image it seemed to appear from an unknown place… when I showed it to my colleague, she immediately recognised it as being from her dream from the night before… So energies from spirit… dreams and visions… Energies of my own, now when I look at this, I see a potter’s wheel… and I feel that the message is to centre myself correctly…
The Surprise!
For this first card, I’m going to dip into my notes and share the poem? prose? that landed whilst I was working on the image…
It matters not what ye call me, I am Mercurial spirit and when I travel I travel beyond the speed of sound and leave your words floating in my wake… I’ve been known by many names by men and Gods alike… I sweep the skies… I catch dreams lost into the ether and bring them back down to ground…Nudged towards their mortal keepers… I keep the flight paths clear for Gods to move unhindered…
The middle image… this is another imaged plucked out of my colleague’s mind, much to her amazement and delight… A surprise? No… not really… more a nod to the universal interconnectedness of all things and that nothing exists in isolation… With respect to completing our project…maybe the realisation that the destination we think we are looking for was already consolidated at the conception…
The final image… I am smiling as in the context of this spread, she does feel to bring Brighid’s blessings… but I’m going to dip back into my notebook…
A bard – moving people with the unseen but heard magical forces of her music…
And on a final note, the words that she then lead me to…

A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more.”

― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Hop on the links to visit my blogging  buddies…


21 thoughts on “By the Power of Three…

    1. Thanks 😁 I think the biggest challenge with an oracle is although I know the underlying structure of how this is put together, there’s a lot of head scratching wondering if it will work coherently for someone else…


  1. Brighid the bard definitely inspired the bard in you, Karen! An amazing deck and fascinating interpretations. I see all kinds of things in the images, although not necessarily what you see. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Joy. I have scrimped here on my interpretations as I am always curious as to what others see. There’s a mass of notes behind the scenes but I find it more interesting experiment to see what the images prompt… 🤔


  2. Gorgeous! I love the work you’ve done so far on this oracle. I hope to see more. And that third image in the first row definitely had me thinking of cocks as well before you mentioned it! I thought I might be a little crazy or inappropriate, but nope, I was just picking up what you were laying down 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Full-on looking forward to the D.O. I feel a fluid fluency throughout the images, your stories, impetus and reasons are unreasonable so eff it… Both. I feel the Both/And here that has wonderfully forgotten the either/or. And, in forgetting, more room has been made for getting, for getting more of the good stuff. Your D.O. Is some of the good stuff. Beyond Worlds have cleared temporal customs, your imagination AS divination itself strikes chords that resonate. All similar, each unique. You have brought a community of characters to life in the D.O. That I look forward to getting better acquainted with. Your cards speak, They are verdant. They are vibrant and intense, though in no way heavy-handed — though, 1 or 2 of them might be able to pick up Thor’s Hammer with ease.

    Thank you for such a wonderful divination tool.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Like the Sun card says in Mystereum. It’s You as only you can be. And, you’ve done all this yourself, Mystereum is maybe just the high octane gas in your car? You’re the driver. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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