It Breathes…

A couple of days ago, I received a request from an old friend, I’ve not heard of for a long time… I won’t divulge details other than to say this O. F. wondered if my cards would be able to help shed light…

With I think maybe 1 exception, I’ve not done personal readings for a good while. People say readers get psychic burnout… That wasn’t my issue… I was tired of tossing pearls before swine, tired of doling out instant gratification McNuggets of tarot… Of pouring words into gannet gulping necks, that wanted to glug hit after hit rather than properly digest tasty gourmet morsels…

I have a phone full of unanswered texts from people wanting their fix…

But like I say, a couple of days ago, a request came with respectful tone coupled with the patience to wait until if/when I could take a look…

To be honest, the nature of the question at first glance was one that I doubted I could answer with any great value… I put it to the back of my mind, intending to come back to it on a slack day when I would have time to brew both fruit tea and reading…

The muse had other ideas… Last night after a very long day, on my way to bed and somewhere halfway into the land of nodding off… The words came… Pick up your cards!

I sat a while…hmmm… Which cards? Which deck would best serve an answer to this question… My eyes lazy swept my bookcases… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm…

They came to rest at the deck sat on the sofa next to me… Oh! The D. O.? Really?

Yes! Pick up YOUR cards insisted the muse… And so I complied as the muse is not a great respecter of time and will nag and gnaw with no regard for my rapidly approaching 5am wakeup call. I commenced the first reading I’ve done with the D. O. since I decided to officially name it a deck…

Still semi nodding, I dutifully took dictation and sent the reading without reading it back… I wasn’t even sure it would make sense…

Returning home from work this morning, I find feedback that makes me cry… Feedback that reminds me and reconnects me to the fullest joy of being a reader…

I read and re-read and wonder exactly what I’d said. I’m a bit dense sometimes, so it took a few moments before I light bulbed pinged and oh! For the love of the gods! Scroll up! It’s all there…

I was surprised to read the dictation… A free flow stream of consciousness… Somehow remarkably coherent…

It had hit all the right notes for my recipient… It also served as a message to me…

I think it may serve as a message to many more at this time…

I am not going to share the reading as it has been passed along and is now no longer mine to give… Though I will give a P. S. A. derived from the encounter… I throw this out into the cosmos and trust that those who need to read it will receive it as and when the timing is right…

The message…

Your voice is much needed in this world. The voice that you hold back and hide… The voice that expresses what is truly in your soul… That voice! Let it out!

Express your Self!

Gawd dammit! The world needs you! You beautiful soul!

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